Daca nu ati dormit in ultima saptamana, stiti ca Japonia a fost lovit de un tsunami masiv creat de un cutremur imens de 8.9 grade.
In consecinta, Apple a decis sa ajute sisnstratii in mai multe feluri.
In primul rand, puteti intra aici pentru a dona crucii rosii.
Deocamdata nu am vazut sa fie functional si in AppStore Romania, dar in AppStore US si Italia deja este.
In al doilea rand, cei de la CultOfMac au publicat un email primit de Kevin Rose de la un angajat Apple Janonia in care scrie:
“You know how in disaster movies, people on the street gather around electronic shops that have TVs in the display windows so they can stay informed with what is going on? In this digital age, that’s what the Tokyo Apple stores became. Staff brought out surge protectors and extension cords with 10s of iOS device adapters so people could charge their phones & pads and contact their loved ones. Even after we finally had to close 10pm, crowds of people huddled in front of our stores to use the wifi into the night, as it was still the only way to get access to the outside world.”
“Apple told all of their staff – Retail AND Corporate – that they could go sleep at the Apple stores. The Senior managers at the stores had been notified earlier and unbeknownst to us, had gone out to stock up on food and drinks after the very first quake hit.”
Foarte frumos din partea managementului Apple care sper sa nu fie singurii in a lua o aftfel de decizie.
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