joi, 28 iulie 2011

HTC vrea sa negocieze cu Apple

Conform unui director HTC, ei ar fi dispusi se negocieze o intelegere cu Apple.
Dupa cum probabil stiti, HTC si Apple au mai multe procese pe rol si Apple a castigat, cel putin preliminar, un proces.
In acelasi timp, Apple a pierdut un proces cu S3, firma pe care HTC a achizitionat-o de curand.
Desi "scorul" este 1-1, cu toate astea, HTC si-a manifestat interesul in discutii.
Problema este ca Apple a atacat platforma Google via HTC, deci miza este imensa penru toti producatorii de terminale Android si Google.
Evident, toti producatorii si Google si-au oferit suportul in aceasta batalie legala, deci, daca se ajunge la bani, HTC nu ar avea probleme.
Acum insa mingea este in curtea celor de la Apple.
Daca refuza sa vina la trative par rai, daca cer prea mult, par rai, daca accepta licentierea par slabi si nu rezolva "problema" Android, deci Apple este intr-o situatie delicata in acest moment.

Attached Image: htc-110610.png

Cel mai probabil se va ajunge totusi la licentiere.
Si Microsoft isi ia 5 dolari de pe fiecare smartphone Android facut de HTC, de ce nu si Apple.
In schimb, as cere 50-100 de dolari si automat Android nu mai este competitiv cu iOS :D
Vedem noi ce decid gigantii, deobicei cand e vorba de bani, rivalitatile se uita.


Ce probleme ar avea Apple daca ar avea banii lichizi ?

Stiti cum e zicala: "Omul cand nu are treaba, isi face"
Pe acest principui am stat si m-am gandit astazi ce probleme ar avea Apple daca ar avea toti banii in cash.
Dupa cum va ziceam aici, Apple a anuntat ca are 76.2 Miliarde de dolari bani lichizi.

Attached Image: OneMillionDollars.jpg

Evident, acestia nu sunt in bancnote de 100 USD undeva in seif, sunt in banci.
Ce ar insemna insa da Apple ar trebui sa-i tina in campus.
Mergand pe acest fir, prima oara am aflat informatiile despre 1 Milioan de dolari de pe prietenul Goagal.
Am facut calculele mai departe si iata rezultatele:

76.2 Miliarde de dolari ar avea 762 de tone, ai putea acopri 7.878 de Km partati cu bancnote de 100 USD si una peste alta ar avea o inaltime de 94 Km.
Daca ar fi tinuti in munti de 1.24 Metri (adica de un milion de USD), intreaga suma ar ocupa 977 Metri cubi.
Toate calculele au fost facute in denominatia de 100 USD, ea fiind cea mai mare disponibila.
Noroc cu bancile, alcumva Apple ar fi nevoiti sa faca inca un campus numai pentru stocarea banilor :))

Sursa: Google, ajutat de Excel :) 

iFaith primeste un update

Va mai amintiti de iFaith ? Vorbeam de el aici.
Cu ajutorul acestui program, veti putea crea un iOS customizat be baza celuia deja instalat pe iPhone.
Desi nu am avut ocazi inca sa-l folosesc, mi se pare foarte util.

Attached Image: 56015.png

Acum, el a primit un update de la tanarul iH8sn0w.
Iata ce aduce veriunea 1.2:

iFaith v1.2 Release Notes:
* Added iPod Touch 2G Dumping capability (MC-Model users recommened)
* IPSW Creation for iPod Touch 2G is still a work in progress.
* Fixed exe compression issues (resulting in many DFU loops on IPSW creation).
* Fixed any Windows XP issues.
* Source code coming soon to a github near you! :)

Puteti descarca noua versiune de aici.


miercuri, 27 iulie 2011

Cum va arata magazinul Apple din Grand Central ?

Va ziceam mai de mult ca Apple are planuri marete si vrea sa deschida o multime de magazine prin lume.
Unul din primele proiecte este magazinul din Grand Central in NY.
Metropolitan Transit Authority din NY au postat si o poza in care se vede cum va arata acest magazin:

Attached Image: apple-store-grand-central.jpg

Frumos nu ?
Se integreaza perfect in arhitectura existenta si totusi mentine designul specific Apple.


Un nou studiu arata ca 35% din cei chestionati vor achizitiona un iPhone 5

Asta da brand ! Conform unui studiu efectuat de PriceGrabber, 35% din cei care au raspuns la chestionar au declarat ca vor achizitiona un iPhone 5 imediat dupa lansare.
Asta in contextul in care nimic nu este inca confirmat despre el in afara faptului ca va fi lansat.
In plus, 52% au declarat ca il vor cumpara in primul an dupa lansare.

Attached Image: designedbyitem_610x427.png

Eu zic ca nu-i rau pentru un telefon care nu este inca lansat.


Concluzii Gevey SIM, singurul unlock hardware pentru iPhone 4

Dupa cum stiti, Gevey SIM este singura solutie de unlock pentru iPhone disponibila pentru BB mai mare de 5.13.04 (iPhone 3G/3GS) respectiv 1.59 (iPhone 4).
Pana la aparitia unei solutii soft, solutie care se lasa asteptata, alta sansa nu avem decat Gevey.
Am achizitionat si eu unul de la Telefonduos si acum, pot sa va impartasesc primele impresii.
Vanzatorul in primul rand este un baiat de treaba, l-a livrat la timp si cu curierul cerut de mine.
Acesta a ajuns in plic, si arata asa:

Attached Image: IMG_2219-1400.jpg

Iata-l si scos din pliculet:

Attached Image: IMG_2221-1400.jpg

Asa arata in comparatie cu un SIM Tray-ul original Apple.

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Am dat repede o fuga pana la cel mai apropiat dealer Vodafone si mi-am schimbat in Micro SIM SIM-ului vechi.
Am ajuns acasa si am aplicat repede o foarfeca acestui nou SIM.

Attached Image: IMG_2224-1400.jpgAttached Image: IMG_2225-1400.jpgAttached Image: IMG_2226-1400.jpg

La partea estetica, singura nemultimire este ca nu se inchide chiar perfect si, daca nu ai o husa, o sa se vada lumina ecranului pe acolo.

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Sa trecem mai departe la activarea acestui Gevey SIM.
In primul rand, va rog din suflet, daca il luati, nu va credeti mai destepti ca sistemul, urmariti clipul de mai jos pentru activare.

Va spun asta ca si eu am crezut ca sunt mai destept ca el si incepeam sa devin frustrat ca nu merge.
Dupa ce am facut insa acei pasi...... succes:

Attached Image: IMG_2228-1400.jpgAttached Image: IMG_2229-1400.jpgAttached Image: IMG_2231-1400.jpg

Sa va spun deci primele impresii si concluzii:


- Trebuie sa decupezi SIM-ul
- Trebuie reactivat dupa fiecare pornire
- Netul merge numai daca ai activat Data Roaming (atentie daca plecati din tara)
- Cand mi-a sarit de pe 3G pe EDGE/GPRS, a trebuit sa-l repornesc, nu gasea semnal (chiar dupa ce am stins 3G)
- Nu intra chiar usor in lacas si iese la fel de greu


- Folosesti orice operator vrei :D
- Dai un ban (85 RON) dar tot e mai ieftin decat 100 Euro la operator (in Ro)
- Deocamdata cel putin, nu-ti faci griji ca Apple scoate update si pierzi BB
- Nu ai nevoie de Jailbreak
- Nu pierzi garantia cu JB

In cele cateva ore de cand il am, pot sa spun ca sunt multumit de el si vi-l recomand, mai ales daca acum sunteti blocati pe alta retea.
Il puteti cumpara cu 85 de lei de la Telefonduos.
Daca mai am nouati, voi posta mai jos.

miercuri, 20 iulie 2011

Apple introduce primul Thunderbolt Display

Apple ne promite gadgeturi compatibile Thunderbolt inca de la lansare.
Acum insa, ei au lansat primul ecran Thunderbolt din gama.

Attached Image: ThunderboltDispaly_PF_PRINT.jpg
Attached Image: ThunderboltDispaly_PB_Cable.jpg

Iata comunicatul de presa:

"Apple Introduces World’s First Thunderbolt Display
CUPERTINO, California—July 20, 2011—Apple® today unveiled the new Apple Thunderbolt Display, the world’s first display with Thunderbolt I/O technology and the ultimate docking station for your Mac® notebook. With just a single cable, users can connect a Thunderbolt-enabled Mac to the 27-inch Apple Thunderbolt Display and access its FaceTime® camera, high quality audio, and Gigabit Ethernet, FireWire® 800, USB 2.0 and Thunderbolt ports. Designed specifically for Mac notebooks, the new display features an elegant, thin, aluminum and glass enclosure, and includes a MagSafe® connector that charges your MacBook® Pro or MacBook Air®.

“The Apple Thunderbolt Display is the ultimate docking station for your Mac notebook,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing. “With just one cable, users can dock with their new display and connect to high performance peripherals, network connections and audio devices.”

With a beautiful 16:9 edge-to-edge glass design, the Thunderbolt Display uses IPS technology to provide a brilliant image across an ultra wide 178 degree viewing angle. Any Thunderbolt-enabled Mac notebook can dock with the display to quickly and easily create a full-fledged desktop solution. The Thunderbolt Display includes a built-in FaceTime HD video camera for crisp video conferencing, a 2.1 speaker system for high quality audio, an integrated MagSafe charger to keep Mac notebooks charged, three USB 2.0 ports, one FireWire 800 port, one Gigabit Ethernet port and a Thunderbolt port for daisy chaining up to five additional Thunderbolt devices.

The Thunderbolt Display is the world’s first display to include Thunderbolt I/O technology. Featuring two bi-directional channels with transfer speeds up to an amazing 10Gbps each, each Thunderbolt port delivers PCI Express directly to external peripherals such as high performance storage and RAID arrays, supports DisplayPort for high resolution displays and works with existing adapters for HDMI, DVI and VGA displays. Thunderbolt-based Macs with discrete graphics can drive two external displays giving professional users over 7 million additional pixels of display real estate and the ability to daisy chain additional Thunderbolt devices, as well as video and audio capture devices.

The Thunderbolt Display includes an ambient light sensor which automatically adjusts the display brightness based on external lighting conditions and uses only as much energy as necessary to provide an optimum viewing experience. Made with mercury-free LED technology, arsenic-free glass and highly recyclable materials, the new display meets Energy Star 5.0 requirements and achieves EPEAT Gold status.* The new display contains no brominated flame retardants and all cables and components are PVC-free.

Pricing & Availability
The new Thunderbolt Display will be available within the next 60 days through the Apple Store® (, Apple’s retail stores and Apple Authorized Resellers for a suggested retail price of $999 (US). The Apple Thunderbolt Display requires a Mac with a Thunderbolt I/O port.

*EPEAT is an independent organization that helps customers compare the environmental performance of notebooks and desktops. For more information visit

Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and has recently introduced iPad 2 which is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices.:"

Daca intrati aici, puteti vedea si poze cu el.

Sursa: Apple 

Apple inregistreza vanzari si profit record

Se pare ca nu degeaba au crescut ieri actiunile Apple.
Pe cand analistii cei mai optimisti au estimat o crestere de 58% de la an la an si au estimat 24.92 miliarde in venituri, Apple a spulberat aceste previziuni inregistrand venituri de 28.57 Miliarde.
Aceeasi analisti au estimat ca Apple va vinde 16.5 milioane de unitati iPhone, 4.2 milioane unitati MacBook si 7.8 Milioane de unitati iPad .
In realitate, Apple a vandut 20.34 Milioane de unitati iPhone, 9.25 milioane de iPad-uri si 3.95 Milioane de Mac-uri.

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Iata comunicatul de presa Apple:

"Apple Reports Third Quarter Results
All-Time Record Revenue and Earnings

iPhone Sales Grow 142 Percent; iPad Sales Grow 183 Percent

CUPERTINO, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Apple® today announced financial results for its fiscal 2011 third quarter ended June 25, 2011. The Company posted record quarterly revenue of $28.57 billion and record quarterly net profit of $7.31 billion, or $7.79 per diluted share. These results compare to revenue of $15.70 billion and net quarterly profit of $3.25 billion, or $3.51 per diluted share, in the year-ago quarter. Gross margin was 41.7 percent compared to 39.1 percent in the year-ago quarter. International sales accounted for 62 percent of the quarter’s revenue.

“Right now, we’re very focused and excited about bringing iOS 5 and iCloud to our users this fall.”

The Company sold 20.34 million iPhones in the quarter, representing 142 percent unit growth over the year-ago quarter. Apple sold 9.25 million iPads during the quarter, a 183 percent unit increase over the year-ago quarter. The Company sold 3.95 million Macs during the quarter, a 14 percent unit increase over the year-ago quarter. Apple sold 7.54 million iPods, a 20 percent unit decline from the year-ago quarter.

“We’re thrilled to deliver our best quarter ever, with revenue up 82 percent and profits up 125 percent,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “Right now, we’re very focused and excited about bringing iOS 5 and iCloud to our users this fall.”

“We are extremely pleased with our performance which drove quarterly cash flow from operations of $11.1 billion, an increase of 131 percent year-over-year,” said Peter Oppenheimer, Apple’s CFO. “Looking ahead to the fourth fiscal quarter of 2011, we expect revenue of about $25 billion and we expect diluted earnings per share of about $5.50.”

Apple will provide live streaming of its Q3 2011 financial results conference call beginning at 2:00 p.m. PDT on July 19, 2011 at This webcast will also be available for replay for approximately two weeks thereafter.

This press release contains forward-looking statements including without limitation those about the Company’s estimated revenue and earnings per share. These statements involve risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ. Risks and uncertainties include without limitation the effect of competitive and economic factors, and the Company’s reaction to those factors, on consumer and business buying decisions with respect to the Company’s products; continued competitive pressures in the marketplace; the ability of the Company to deliver to the marketplace and stimulate customer demand for new programs, products, and technological innovations on a timely basis; the effect that product introductions and transitions, changes in product pricing or mix, and/or increases in component costs could have on the Company’s gross margin; the inventory risk associated with the Company’s need to order or commit to order product components in advance of customer orders; the continued availability on acceptable terms, or at all, of certain components and services essential to the Company’s business currently obtained by the Company from sole or limited sources; the effect that the Company’s dependency on manufacturing and logistics services provided by third parties may have on the quality, quantity or cost of products manufactured or services rendered; risks associated with the Company’s international operations; the Company’s reliance on third-party intellectual property and digital content; the potential impact of a finding that the Company has infringed on the intellectual property rights of others; the Company’s dependency on the performance of distributors, carriers and other resellers of the Company’s products; the effect that product and service quality problems could have on the Company’s sales and operating profits; the continued service and availability of key executives and employees; war, terrorism, public health issues, natural disasters, and other circumstances that could disrupt supply, delivery, or demand of products; and unfavorable results of other legal proceedings. More information on potential factors that could affect the Company’s financial results is included from time to time in the “Risk Factors” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” sections of the Company’s public reports filed with the SEC, including the Company’s Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 25, 2010, its Forms 10-Q for the quarters ended December 25, 2010 and March 26, 2011, and its Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 25, 2011 to be filed with the SEC. The Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or information, which speak as of their respective dates.

Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and has recently introduced iPad 2 which is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices."

Bravo Apple. Nu-mi vine sa cred cati bani sunt in stare "astia" sa scoata din buzunarul nostru.
Daca mai adaugi veniturile din iTunes si iAd, cred ca ajungi la sume fenomenale.

Sursa: Apple 

Lion va fi vandut si pe stick USB

S-a raspuns si la ultima intrebare din seria: "Da eu cum instalez Lion"
Vom avea acum urmatoarele optiuni:

1: Instalare din Snow Leopard
2: Instalare via net direct de la Apple
3: Din August, Apple va vinde stick-uri USB pentru instalare

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" Mac OS X Lion is available as an upgrade to Mac OS X version 10.6.6 Snow Leopard® from the Mac App Store for $29.99 (US). Lion is the easiest OS X upgrade and at around 4GB, it is about the size of an HD movie from the iTunes Store. Users who do not have broadband access at home, work or school can download Lion at Apple retail stores and later this August, Lion will be made available on a USB thumb drive through the Apple Store ( for $69 (US). "

Deci, exact ca si in cazul MacBook Air, care nu are unitate optica, vom instala de pe USB.
Merita cei 30 de USD in plus sau veti instala de pe net ?


iPhone 4 este rezistent, o dovedeste unul care a cazut 4.000 de metri

Daca iti faci griji de spatele de sticla al lui iPhone 4, nu este cazul.
Dupa ce un alt "frate" al sau a cazut tot din buzunarul unui parasutist, iata inca un caz.
De data asta el a cazut de la 4.000 de metri altitudine din buzunarul lui Jarrod McKinney.
Initial el a fost suparat pe iPhone dupa ce copilul lui de doar 2 ani a dat jos telefonul de pe o tejghea un baie si ecranul s-a fracturat, dar dupa ce a cazut 4 kilometri si a supravietuit, si-a schimbat parerea.
Iata cum arata un iPhone 4 dupa ce cade 4 kilometri in gol pe acoperisul unei cladiri:

Attached Image: t1larg.skydive.iphone.irpt.jpg

Telefonul nu numai ca a supravietuit dar inca functiona.
Jarrod l-a gasit cu ajutorul unei aplicatii similare Find My iPhone sau chiar nu aceasta aplicatie si a reusit sa si-l sune :)
Daca nici asta nu v-a convins ca este rezistent ....
