Desi Apple a anuntat deja portul Thunderbolt de cateva saptamani, pana acum nu aveam cu ce sa legam gadgeturile compatibile.
Apple a lnasat acum cateva zile in sfasit si acest cablu Thunderbolt si evident, acesta a fost desfacut.
Mufa acestuia este foarte complexa, ea continand 12 cipuri mai mari inscriptionate si o sumedenie de alte componente electronice.
Iata ce au scris cei de la iFixit, cei care l-au desfacut:
"Once the casing was gone, we had to perform a significant amount of desoldering and cutting in order remove the metal surrounding the connector. Peeling back the metal (which appears to be plated brass) revealed the hardware underneath.
We found two Gennum GN2033 chips in the connector, one on each side. They were flanked by other, much smaller chips that surely added to the cable's cost: two chips labeled S6A 1JG on one side, and chips labeled 1102F SS8370 and 131 3S on the other. Of course, there were tons of little resistors (providing impedance as needed) all around the larger chips."
Iata si cateva poze cu acest cablu High-tech:
De ce oare complicam si lucrurile ce NU trebuie complicate ?
De ce un cablu nu poate ramane un cablu ?
Oricum, numaratoarea inversa pentru clonele Chinezesti mai ieftine a inceput
Orginalul costa 50 USD, sa vedem cat vor costa cele din China.
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