sâmbătă, 5 martie 2011

TinyUmbrella se pregateste de iPad2

Aproape imdeiat dupa lansarea iPad 2 aseara, pe pagina Tiny Umbrella a aparut un update in care suntem informati ca acesta va primi un update imediat ce iPad 2 va ajunge in magazine.

Attached Image: header_fx_lightbg.png

Iata postul:

" First, when iPad 2 is released, TinyUmbrella will have a small update to support it day of release. I don't think I'll be getting one, as the new MacBook Pros look far more appealing to me :)
Second, I'm having build woes on my windows vm so the windows recovery fix is still delayed. My apologies. As soon as this is fixed I'll release the windows fix. "


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