vineri, 8 iulie 2011

OmniVision are probleme de randament, ar putea fi inlocuitit de Sony

Pana acum, toate zvonurile indica faptul ca urmatorul iPhone va avea camera de 8 MP.
In trecut, OmniVision a fost pertenerul preferat Apple pentru camerele foto de pe iPhone si iPad 2 si cred ca sunteti de acord cu mine cand spun ca au fost intotdeauna cele mai bune camere din categoria lor.
Ultimele zvonuri afirmau ca 90% din viitoarele camere de 8 MP vor fi produse de OmniVision si Sony vor produce doar 10%.
Se pare insa ca OmniVision are ceva probleme cu manufacturarea acestor noi camere si ar putea fi inlocuiti aproape in totalitate de Sony ca si producator.

Attached Image: camerasensor.jpg

Informatia vine de la Craig Berger, un analist FBR Capital care sustine urmatoarele:

“OmniVision may be having technical difficulties with its new CMOS sensor, possibly risking its iPhone socket supplier status. Omnivision’s BSI-2 technology is the world’s first 1.1-micron pixel architecture allowing for low-light sensitivity and accurate color reproduction for better overall image quality. Manufactured through Taiwan Semiconductor, it is built using a 300 mm copper process at the 65 nm node. However, we understand that yield rates at TSM have thus far been unacceptably low for commercial viability, and that the deadline for inclusion into the next iPhone has passed. Therefore, Sony could become Apple’s primary supplier of 8 mega-pixel CMOS image sensors for the next iPhone, with OmniVision possibly being a backup supplier. Many believed that Omivision would capture as much as 90% share of iPhone production, which may turn out to not be the case.”

Daca si cum va influenta calitatea camerei aceasta moficare inca este nesigur, dar sunt sigur ca vom afla imediat dupa lansare.


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